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POSTED ON AUG 27, 2023


Oak City Family and Friends, 


We have just celebrated one-year being in our home in Cahaba Heights,

and we have seen God move in powerful confirmations that He is in our midst and on this land.

Thank you, Jesus!


One of our desires is to be debt free as soon as possible. With that in mind, we made a principal payment in January and another in July 2023 to reduce our indebtedness. We have continued making payments and decreasing our debts through generous giving from our local church and pledge partners. 


As we begin to look to the future, including early work on Phase Two of the property's master plan,

we wanted to take a moment to thank you for your partnership, both financially and through prayer,

with us during this first year on the land. 


We believe the best days are still ahead of us as we Build Kingdom People who experience more of God,

belong to a family, become who God says they are, and demonstrate Heaven on Earth. 


Jonathan and Kate Henderson 

Lead Pastor | Oak City Church

Please prayerfully consider how you can partner with us

as we prepare to continue investing in this land

that the Lord has given us.


We are here to create a family of Spirit-filled believers who are actively experiencing more of God, walking in their identity, and partnering with Jesus to demonstrate His Kingdom on The Earth



For people who want to be a part of the Establish Building Campaign without making a three-year pledge commitment.  

©2024 Oak City Church. All Rights Reserved.

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